Testimony by Melody Hsu

It’s my second time to join the VGM, and I’ll join it next year, too, so I am going to just pick one topic to share today and save some other stuff for the future. This year, in my personal life, I went through lots of difficulties and then stepped deeply into faith to a place I’ve never been. I finally experienced what the so-called “a peace that the world can’t steal away” is. I realized that Christianity isn’t just a religion, it’s the truth of life, it’s about where we came from, where we are heading to, and why we are here temporarily? When we realize it, when we learn to seek and treasure the peace in God, in the place we are from and heading to, we won’t be insecure and we become mature and confident, no matter how the circumstances are changing, we live in the current moment and enjoy life even when we haven’t got what we long for.

Thus, now I see our faith as a precious gift, and I have been thinking how to spread the “good news” 🙂 I interviewed some of the kids in my class to try to know how people who haven’t known God see our VGM bilingual camp and God’s house, church. In our mind, we know we have a mission to spread the good news, but getting to know the people we are going to share the good news to is important, in my opinion; it’s like if you don’t know what your customers want, how can you possibly sell your product to them successfully? Especially when we are like the out comers…You’ll see what I mean in the following picture:

This is the scene I took a shot of from the inside of Dongshi Church which is surrounded by more and larger temples; most people here believe in the traditional faith, then, how do kids think about the bilingual camp and church? …
This is my interview with kids in my class 🙂

To summarize the interview I did with kids: they mostly don’t know about God, and they came to the bilingual camp hold by church mainly because they think it’s fun!!…ok, and can learn some little English  We don’t teach Bible here, then how can we spread the good news??…We do home-visit to just show our care and love although we do not talk about the Bible much. We talk about Michael Jordon but mainly Jesus with kids, and we genuinely have fun with kids, being silly with them.

I think these kids had a good time with us. We didn’t talk about God all the time, but we tried our best to do what Jesus would do to show the love to them. We tried to spread the good news with genuine actions but not just with words or teachings (Pastor Picchi did do good teachings /sermons there of course though ). Pastor Picchi told us every night to devote our whole hearts and time to be with the kids to serve them and the Taiwan team. God is love; when we love people genuinely, God is among us; then people around us encounter God through us, God’s people 🙂 I think this is how we spread the Good News in the VGM 🙂 We tried to plant love/gospel seeds in kids’ hearts, and hopefully one day they will remember there were a bunch of loving, caring and funny Christian people/God’s people who had been in their lives for few days, which grows the desire of knowing God in their hearts. This is the way I get to know God in Bread of Life Christian Church in Seattle, too!!